Rajasthan Assembly Elections 2023
16th Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha Elections
Voter Turnout
Overall voter turnout in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1951
Voter Turnout (Male)
Overall male voter turnout in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1962
Voter Turnout (Female)
Overall female voter turnout in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1962
Polling Stations
Overall number of polling stations in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1962
Average number of electors per polling station
A look at the average electorate count per polling station in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1962
Total Electors
Overall number of electors (those registered to vote) in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1951
Electorate sex ratio
Number of female voters per 1000 male voters in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1962
Total Contestants
Total number of candidates who contested in the different Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1951
Average Contestants
Average number of candidates contesting per Assembly constituency in Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1951
Female Contestants
Total number of women contesting in the different Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1962
Female Winners
Total number of winning women candidates (MLAs) in the different Rajasthan Assembly elections since 1962
Assembly Seat Count
Total number of seats in the Rajasthan Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) since 1951