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News » Viral » Italian Man Mistakes Om Symbol For 30, Internet Calls It A Fresh Perspective

Italian Man Mistakes Om Symbol For 30, Internet Calls It A Fresh Perspective

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Delhi, India

Have you ever come across such a situation? (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Have you ever come across such a situation? (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Surbhi, the wife of the Italian man Dario, recorded the candid moment and shared it on Instagram with the caption, “My Italian husband wants to buy Indian 30s.”

A video of an Italian man mistaking the sacred ‘Om’ symbol for the number 30 while exploring a crowded market caught the attention of people online. The clip soon went viral, and desis couldn’t help but ROFL. Surbhi, the wife of the Italian man Dario, recorded the candid moment and shared it on Instagram with the caption, “My Italian husband wants to buy Indian 30s.”

The video begins with Dario pointing at various items, exclaiming , “Oh, there are more 30s!” To this, Surbhi asks, “What? What is 30s?”

The camera then pans to reveal the object he is talking about. We can see several items on the shelf with the “Om” symbol. Later, he looks at the camera and says ” It’s Om.”

Since being shared, the video has received over 3.2 million views and many people reacted to this unique clip.

A user said, “He is hilarious..but a nice man.” while another stated, “Omg, all my life I never saw it. Now I can’t unsee it.”

Many were surprised by the man’s innocent opinion.

One wrote, “Never in my wildest imagination could I think 30,” “Wow That’s a fresh perspective,” someone else added.

Another user joked, “Don’t show the swastika..Guy will lose it.” while another user stated, “Cutest video of the day.”

A person expressed, “I saw the video repeatedly…How the perspective changes from one culture to another, right?”

Some people also shared similar experiences. One user recalled, “Gosh, once my Korean friend said he wanted to buy an elephant…I was like an elephant? And then he pointed out to Ganesh Ji and shouted out loud that elephant..I was so embarrassed and at the same time found it funny.”

Many also tried to make sense of his perspective. “He’s actually not wrong because there’s a reason it looks like a 3. That’s because it explains the Trinity which is creation, sustaining, and destruction,” stated one user.

What do you think of this video?

first published:June 06, 2024, 18:54 IST
last updated:June 06, 2024, 19:04 IST