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News » Food » Importance of Incorporating Whole Grain and Fibre Into Your Breakfast

Importance of Incorporating Whole Grain and Fibre Into Your Breakfast

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New Delhi, India

Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals made with whole grains are a part of this group.

Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals made with whole grains are a part of this group.

Preparing breakfast for our children during the morning rush, as they get ready for school, is an inevitable part of modern life.

The fast-paced demands of life can impinge on the most regular tasks of our daily lives and make it seem daunting, especially in making sure that our children start their day with a nutritious breakfast. Preparing breakfast for our children during the morning rush, as they get ready for school, is an inevitable part of modern life. We cannot overlook or skip this important meal as we all know it is the fuel that sets the tone for the entire day, especially for our active little ones who are constantly on the move.

Nadiya Merchant, Associate Director of Nutrition, Kellanova India, says, “The nutritional benefits of breakfast for children are well known, it not only keeps them energised but impacts cognitive functions such as attention span and memory. It also refuels the body, replenishes glucose levels, improves nutrient intake, and promotes overall metabolic health.”

It is therefore necessary to help your child develop a healthy relationship with their morning meal. Skipping the first meal of the day should never be an option.

Merchant adds, “Breakfast should provide a variety of nutrients such as carbohydrates, fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that perform wide range of functions in the body. These nutrients must be obtained through a judicious combination of different food groups such as grains, especially whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and dairy.”

So, how do you ensure that your breakfast provides whole-grain food and fibre?

The whole grain food group, which is quite vast, includes wheat, rice, corn, oats, barley and ragi, among others. Whole grains provide carbohydrates especially fibre, B vitamins and antioxidants which are important for health. Fibre, found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes, is important for digestive well-being and helps release energy gradually by slowing down the digestion of carbohydrates.

Merchant shares, “Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals made with whole grains are a part of this group. A bowl of breakfast cereal is often best enjoyed with milk or yoghurt and fruits or dry fruits. It provides a mix of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fibre. What also makes it so popular among parents and kids today is the fact that it fits perfectly into the rush-hour lifestyle, can be prepared quickly and is both nourishing and tasty.”

There will be days when you choose to go beyond ready-to-eat breakfast cereals and create a memorable breakfast experience for your kids by using your imagination. With creativity, you incorporate whole grains and fibre through a playful morning platter full of vibrant shapes, colours, and diverse range of textures to keep them enthusiastic about their morning meal.

For instance, a plate of multigrain pancakes or waffles, topped with berries, yoghurt and nuts or whole grain bread sandwiches loaded with fresh veggies like cucumber, tomato, shredded carrots, lettuce leaves and a glass of milk/buttermilk will ensure that your child gets his/her share of whole grains, fibre, protein, vitamins, and minerals at the very start of the day.

Remember, these habits will go a long way in instilling a healthy relationship with food in your child and setting a foundation for a lifetime of healthy eating.

first published:June 03, 2024, 13:01 IST
last updated:June 03, 2024, 13:01 IST