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News » Studio18 » An Initiative That Spells Progress

An Initiative That Spells Progress

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Mumbai, India

An Initiative That Spells Progress

SBI Life Spell Bee Season 13 unveils its ‘Spell Master of India’

India is home to 1.44 million people out of which more than 600 million people are aged between 18 and 35, with 65% under the age of 35. India’s demographic dividend is expected to persist at least until 2055–56 and will peak around 2041, when the share of the working-age population- 20 to 59 years – is expected to hit 59%. As the country’s working population increases so does the opportunities for achieving a higher economic growth. 

While much work has been undertaken to ensure that India truly benefits from its demographic dividend, like creation of job opportunities, development of industries, focus on Make In India etc., one of the most important steps is investing in children through education.  Education is a powerful tool to chart the progress of any nation. Thus, there has to be an emphasis on holistic education which helps in shaping individuals as it fosters critical thinking, problem solving, resilience, creativity & innovation. 

Holistic development thus, aids in developing physical, intellectual, emotional, cognitive, and social abilities in children. These skills, when combined, play a crucial role in their overall development of a person across various facets of life. 

Hence, investing in children through education is a strategic investment to ensure long-term prosperity, stability & progress of any nation. By prioritizing holistic education, we can unlock the full potential of the young minds by fostering sustainable development & building a bright future of generations to come. 

To solidify the nation’s role as a global employment hub, fostering holistic education is crucial. With this vision in mind, SBI Life Insurance has been investing in children who are the future of our nation. One such initiative launched recently by the company was the SBI Life Spell Bee ‘Spell Masters of India’ – an initiative dedicated for championing the overall development of the nation’s future leaders.

The theme of the 13th season was “An initiative that spells progress,” which echoes the brand’s purpose of liberating individuals to pursue their dreams & aspirations. Recognizing that progress goes beyond academic success, SBI Life facilitated this platform for the young minds across the deeper pockets of the country to explore possibilities, carve out their own growth story, and thereby contribute to the nation’s progress. 

A key highlight of this competition was the diversity of the participants. With over 1.5. lakh students participating in the competition from 350+ schools across 30 cities, presented an opportunity for SBI Life to involve & engage with the future leaders of the nation from the deeper pockets of India. The competition aimed at not only emphasizing on the importance of language proficiency among children but holistic development of these young minds. 

SBI Life Spell Bee Season 13 had about 75 students participating at the Grand Finale with only two students left behind competing against each other to win the National Title. Popular actress and television presenter Mandira Bedi throughout the competition made the young contestants feel at home with her refreshing and affable persona. Rayaan Naveed Siddiqui & Adhita Nag qualified for the final round who battled through the most difficult spellings given by the spell master of the day- Mr. Sumanto Chattopadhyay. After a tough competition, Rayaan made his way to win the coveted ‘Spell Master of India’ title at the SBI Life Spell Bee Season 13. The talented young boy made his school & parents proud as he secured the title along with a trip to Disneyland with his parents and a cash prize too.

This competition not only raised the language proficiency of thousands of children across India but also facilitated a platform to improve their ability to communicate as well as absorb knowledge, opening up more avenues to discover their passion and contribute to the progress of our nation. Through the rigours of participating in this event, the children seemed to have inculcated a high level of competitive spirit, sportsmanship, discipline, and confidence, which are qualities that will make them into well-rounded individuals who will influence the success of our nation in the years to come. 

In keeping with their goal of building a brighter future for our nation, more corporates need to take such educational initiatives by facilitating a platform for young minds to learn to excel in the face challenges and thereby discover their true potential. In due time, such initiatives will help in spreading the importance of holistic development through education, to ensure that our future generations are well equipped for the challenges that await them.

This is a Partnered Post. 

first published:March 26, 2024, 11:34 IST
last updated:March 26, 2024, 11:34 IST